Our program is centered around functional fitness, functional strength training, and metabolic conditioning that prepares candidates for the physical strain of academy PT, as well as the physical and mental strains that civil service careers carry.
This, however, is program for everyone (First Responder or Not) All Skill Levels Welcome!
Additionally for those who are looking for a new more effective way to get into shape, we will increase athleticism, strength, and overall fitness. Not only will you feel great and be able to do things you thought you would never be able to do, but you will look better as well!


This isn't a boot camp where you are moving for the sake of moving, we are much more than a boot camp At IGY6 Fitness. Not only will you get a great workout geared toward a career as a First Responder, but you will also be taught how to move, how to lift, how to workout, and ultimately live a healthier lifestyle.
Achieve your goals
We are going to push you to your limits. We are going to help you dig deep and help you achieve goals that you did not think were possible. We are invested in you as much as you are invested in us. A GOAL WITHOUT A PLAN IS ONLY A DREAM!