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Strength and Conditioning Week 41& 42

IGY6 Week 41 - Day 1:


20 cosack squats (10 ea side) - 2 sec pause in bottom

:30 lizard pose into :30 worlds greatest stretch R

:30 lizard pose into :30 worlds greatest stretch L

:30 tall pigeon into :30 pigeon lay chest to knee

20 alternating scorpions - 10 ea side

10 cat/cow with 3 sec hold in each position


Back Squat

tempo 21x1;

reps: 5,5,4,4

17:00 clock

17 mins to warm up and complete your 4 tough sets

*Tempo is most important

- you may increase load ea set only if the tempo is perfect.


200 Foot Sandbag Bear Hug Walk - As Heavy As Possible


The Shield



Sandbag Hang Power Cleans

Front Squats

Day 2:


15m staggered step toe touch - alternating legs

15m toy soldier march

15 banded good mornings

30 sec banded hamstring stretch ea side

15 dynamic straddle stretch with 1 sec pause in pancake

30 sec half split (every wk try to split further)


Press Complex

Build up to a challenging of the Following

2 Strict Presses + 4 Push Presses @20x3 The movement starts with an eccentric decent.

Core Con-

Tabata Sit-Ups

Score Total Reps

Tabata Alternating V-Ups

Tabata Plank- Up Downs



Championship Strap

6 Rounds

10 Dumbell Push Presses Right Arm

10 Dumbell Push Presses Left Arm

8 DB OH Reverse Lunges Right Arm

8 DB OH Reverse Lunges Left Arm

:30 Rest

Day 3:

Warm - Up:

The Jobes + Hip Mobility

(For those who aren’t familiar with the jobes, take a look at youtube)

Strength: Movement Review and Progression. Emphasize the core engagement aspect.

Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Power Clean + Shoulder to Overhead


Tag Team Turmoil

15:00 AMRAP w/ A partner

25’ Sandbag Lunges

10 Sandbag Presses

10 Bag Back Squats

25’ Sandbag Back Rack Lunge

Week 42 Day 1:


20 cosack squats (10 ea side) - 2 sec pause in bottom :30 lizard pose into :30 worlds greatest stretch R :30 lizard pose into :30 worlds greatest stretch L

:30 tall pigeon into :30 pigeon lay chest to knee 20 alternating scorpions - 10 ea side 10 cat/cow with 3 sec hold in each position


20:00 To Build to a Challenging Set of 5 Bench Press- No Tempo but body awareness and control are an expectation. We have been working at tempos for a while. Time to see where we are at. This will be the number we are working off of moving forward.



3 Rounds for Time

400m Sandbag Burden Run

3 Round of Cindy

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-Ups

15 Air Squats

Day 2:


Mobility Resistance Band Hamstring Mobility based off of STEED mobility


Sumo-Deadlifts 20:00 to a Heavy Triple

Superset: KB Sit-Ups Heavier than previous sessions 8-10 at each working set + :30-:45 Child Pose and Down Dog



10 Rounds for Time

10 Box Jumps

8 Sandbag Hang Power Cleans

5 Brute Force Burpees

Day 3


20:00 Row

-Shoulder, Thoracic, Lower back mobility.



50’ Max Yoke Carry

50’ Max Farmers Carry

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