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Week 56 - 58 IGY6 Strength and Conditioning
Week 56 - Day 1: We apologize for the delay in programming. Strength: 5x5 Back Squat @33x1 Go by feel. If feeling good to great build off...
Week 55 - IGY6 Strength and Conditioning
NYC IGY6 Week 55 - Day 1: Warm-Up: 3 Rounds 5 Goblet Squats with a :05 Pause in the bottom. 10 Dynamic Straddle Stretches 5/Leg Non...
Week 54 IGY6 Strength and Conditioning
Week 54 - Day 1: Core-Con: 10:00 Of Work 6 Kneeling to Standing to Kneeling Reverse Lunges with 2x KB 10 Alternating Seated DB Arnold...
IGY6 Strength and Conditioning Week 53
Day 1: Warm up: Bring Sally up with empty bar. YouTube the warm-up. This was huge in the functional fitness world for a long time....
IGY6 Strength and Conditioning: Week 52
Day 1: Warm-Up: Sandbag Bring Sally Up! Core-Con: 5 Rounds For Quality 10/ Arm ½ Kneeling Bottom Up Kettlebell Presses Increasing 15...
IGY6 Fitness: Strength and Conditioning Week 51
IGY6 Week 50 - Day 1: Warm-Up: 3 Rounds of “Cindy” 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats Core-Con: Tabata KB Deadbugs Strength: 18:00 Back...
IGY6 Fitness Strength and Conditioning Week 49
IGY6 Week 49 - Day 1: Warm-Up: 4 Rounds :30 Hollow Hold Bar Hang :30 Deadbug :30 Side Plank R :30 Side Plank L 10/ Arm Single Arm Ring...
IGY6 Fitness Weeks 47 & 48
IGY6 Week 47 Day - 1: Warm-Up: 4 Rounds :30 Bar Hang 50 Singles/ Double Unders 10 Jump Lunges 10 Dynamic Straddles :30 Squat Hold...
IGY6 Fitness Week 46 Strength and Conditioning
Week 46 - Day 1: Strength: 20:00 To Establish a Heavy set of 5 Back Squats Meton: “The Elite Standard” 50-40-30-20-10 Sandbag Front Rack...
Strength and Conditioning Week 45
IGY6 Week 45 - Day 1: Strength: Back Squat 1 Every 15:00 for 3:00 x3 5:00 Rest Between Sets - Improving on the previous weeks numbers or...
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